Kaki Thalassa

The dive is suitable for divers of all levels. Avoid diving when there is a strong north wind above 4 on the Beaufort scale. Marine life varies depending on the season, you can encounter spiral tube worms, moray eels and if you look hard enough some nudibranchs.
Home 9 Βουτιά 9 Kaki Thalassa

The dive is suitable for divers of all levels. Avoid diving when there is a strong north wind above 4 on the Beaufort scale. Marine life varies depending on the season, you can encounter spiral tube worms, moray eels and if you look hard enough some nudibranchs.

Up to 20m depth, Up to 30m depth, Up to 40 m depth

By car, By 4x4, By boat

100+ m of swimming

No amenities

It has no shipwreck


You can swim nearby, and at 400m on the opposite direction there is a sandy beach.


You can swim nearby, and at 400m on the opposite direction there is a sandy beach.


Approach the island by surface swimming (about 180m) and start diving on the NE side of the islet, having the island to your right. Depth is at 6m, continue a little more parallel to the islet and immediately after on your right you meet a vertical wall which reaches about 25m in depth. If you move 20-25m to your left (east), a sloping sandy bottom appears, reaching up to 40m in depth.

At 100 bar you return by following the same route at a smaller depth having the wall on your left at a depth of 12m – 15m, depending on how interesting the surroundings are. You can get to the entry point by swimming underwater all the way using a compass. The depth while returning is ideal for decompression stops at 6m to 8m and just before exiting at 3m.


<a href="https://www.divelog.gr/author/christosdivelog-gr/?lang=en" target="_self">Χρήστος Ευθυμίου</a>

Χρήστος Ευθυμίου

• Καταδύσεις: από το 1974 χωρίς διακοπή μέχρι σήμερα. • Εκπαίδευση: Εκπαιδευτής CMAS(αρ. 067), VDST(Γερμανική ομοσπονδία (αρ. 279) από το 1980, ΕΟΥΔΑ Greece(αρ. μητρώου 005). • Εξοπλισμός: Πολλά και διάφορα. • Ρυθμιστή: ScubaproMII, χρησιμοποιώ επίσης πρώτο στάδιο δικού μου σχεδιασμού και κατασκευή με την βοήθεια φίλου. • Όργανα: Μηχανικό βαθύμετρο, ρολόι, πίνακα αποσυμπίεσης Deco2000, DCSUUNTOVYPER. • Φιάλες: 2Χ7 (οι αγαπημένες μου) και διάφορες ακόμα ανάλογα με την κατάδυση. • Ιστιοπλοΐα: από το 1990.


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